Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Google Classroom Tutorials

Creating and Managing Classes
Here, teachers can learn how to create, navigate, and manage their classes in Classroom.

Classroom 101 for teachers 2:07
Introduction to the Classroom home screen 0:45
Creating a class 0:48
Introduction to the class page interface 3:00
Inviting students to a class 2:23
Removing students from a class 0:56
Joining a class 0:25
Inviting teachers to join a class 1:50
Creating custom themes 1:03
Archiving a class 1:22
Customize notifications 0:58

Creating Announcements, Assignments, and Questions
Create and manage activities for students to work with in Classroom.

Publishing announcements for a class 1:35
Schedule the posting of an announcement 1:07
Posting a draft announcement 1:20
Creating assignments 1:29
Adding attachments to assignments 3:36
Posting a draft assignment 1:18
Creating a question 3:51
Differentiating posts 0:57
Using Forms in Classroom 2:25

Managing Student Work
How to access, grade, and return student work.

Viewing the Work page 1:10
Viewing and commenting on assignments 2:52

Grading and returning assignments 4:27 

Managing the Class Stream
How to organize and manage announcements, assignments, and questions, on your main Classroom page

Controlling activity on your class stream 2:21
Move a post to the top 1:01
Reusing posts 1:31
Filtering your stream by topic 0:52 

Communicating with Students & Guardians
Learn how to communicate with members of your class through grade summaries, calendars, and email.
We do not have this capability!

Emailing students 1:11
Classroom summaries for guardians 1:52
Emailing guardians 0:51
Removing guardians from Classroom 0:52
Using the class calendar 1:41 

Classroom for Students
These lessons show students how to access their classes, communicate with their classes, and access assigned work.

Classroom 101 for students 1:55
Introduction to the Classroom home screen 0:43
Introduction to the class page interface 1:14
Joining a class 0:41
Sharing to the class stream 1:03
Viewing all assignments 1:17
Working on assignments 3:31
Working with questions 2:11
Filtering your stream by topic 0:46
Customize notifications 0:58 

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